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05/30/2003 Entry: "Journey's End"
I've been with this ragtag bunch for only a month, but in that time I've gained a lifetime's worth of stories and experiances. From finding shelter in the rain, to scaring children's parents; from seeing famous buildings, to a love-hate relationship with my sweet sweet highway twenty. This was one of those crazy things you can only do once in your life, and I'm glad I took the chance to do it.
What can I say? There's just something about her... She's so- irresistable. I can't avoid her. Nobody understands her. Nobody! Nobody except me! I just can't get away from my precious highway twenty. I ask you to just consider the conveniance. I didn't even know she existed until Ohio, and fundimentally we could have taken her all the way to Boston. But of coarse we had to take the "scenic route". Ooh, and we had to take a "road with a shoulder" so we "won't die". Sometimes, roads are just more important than that. Especially if you're particularly fond of them. Nevertheless, I am desperately grateful that I was given the chance to take this trip. There have been far too many names and faces along the way to keep track of everybody, but I hope to keep in contact with a few. The most memorable of people were those who provided us shelter at night. In many cases, we would honor their generocity by juggling for them. What a wonderful system! I am reminded of the greek concept of xenia relationships. If someone was in a land away from their own, they were treated with a feast, dancing, athletic games and precious gifts. In return, if the one of the men from that land was found in the travelers home, they would be treated the same. It was through these xenia relationships that the hero Odyseus survived the wraith of Poseidon. Many days it sure seemed like there was a Poseidon holding us back... In the end, kindness is it's own reward. We have raised money and awareness of the Shriner's Childrens Hospital, but we have also learned faith in mankind. See you on campus. -Chris Kohlhaas
Replies: Leave us a note! (2)
i met you on your trip home. i'd like to say congrats for what you did. i really admired your selflessness in taking your summer to go on this incrediable trip. and i hope you made it home safley. ALYSSA i hope to talk to you again someday. you're a pretty interesting guy.
Posted by Alyssa @ 08/27/2003 05:38 PM CST
It's been a pleasure being able to experience this trip through your photos and your journal. Although I don't personally know all of you, I am extremely impressed by your accomplishments and would like to wish you a wonderful and safe return to your homes/ISU/wherever the road takes you next. Congratulations!!!!!
Posted by Heather @ 08/17/2003 11:02 PM CST


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